Just a girl who could no longer deny the dirt in her veins.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Quandary of My Existence

 Quandary of my existence...the state of perplexity....of this thing I call my life....Here I am...on a cattle farm working to raise cattle to become food.   Every member of the cattle herd will at some point in his/her life become the main ingredient of an entree on some carnivore's dinner plate.  It's a fact of life...why else would anyone raise livestock?  Which brings me to the point of today's discussion:  how does an animal lover deal with the harsh reality that the animals she loves are going to be eaten by something/someone...and maybe even by her (except the cats..I don't eat cats)?
I got a tip once:  Don't name them.  Not so easy!   A tag number effortlessly becomes a name.  It looks like 03A on a tag...but sounds like O'Three-Ay when it's spoken.  A name! 
I know they're freezer beef.  But look at some of their baby pictures (I take their pics for the calf file)......




I know they grow up, get loaded in the trailer and sent to be...well...consumed...by the consumer.  And....Their hides make lovely rugs...sorry, but it's true.   But they're so sweet when they're babies. I get attached...then I have to detach...vicious cycle.

Next comes the predicament of barn cats....

scrambled eggs...I fixed them.  So what?

I name them alllll!!  We have a small number at present.... you'll notice in the picture are 3 of the 4 barn cats.  These 3 partners make up the firm:  Cooper Gibson and McKeag, PC.  The 4th and unpictured cat, Bob,  is too free-spirited to adhere to any of the regulations required to join the firm as a partner.  He goes by his first name only and rarely attends the meetings, choosing instead to "cat around", as they say.   Kitty McKeag, the first female partner just showed up one day, interviewed for the position of girl cat (relax...the boys are all neutered),  and miraculously was made partner that same day.   If she stays with the firm, she'll get a collar.  Bob won't be caught dead with a collar..don't even ask.
Potentially unhappy update:  McKeag hasn't shown up today for the mandatory meeting... uh oh.
Lastly is the chicken problem: 
Lars, one of the roosters
Protect as I might, I can't to it all.  The other day, I heard a huge ruckus coming from the chicken barn.  As I rounded the corner toward the gate, out flew a giant red-tailed hawk from the chicken's private little door.  I ran back around to the barn door and barged in expecting to be called to count the victims.  Thankfully, no one was injured...many feathers were ruffled, though.
The realities of life are....baby calves grow up and get eaten, coyotes get the cats, hawks get the chickens.  That's life.  The truth is...our love for the animals in our care make us good stewards.   "A righteous man cares for the needs of his animals..."   There's some bible authority for you.
I love the animals as long as I have them....
I'd better go...it's time to fix supper.  There are snow showers in tomorrow morning's weather forecast....mixed feelings.  More on that topic later.

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