Just a girl who could no longer deny the dirt in her veins.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Color Me Confused

Just barely enough light...look at those bare trees!
The low and fading dusk provided meager light for our way to the west pasture.  Every evening we fill the water tanks for the cattle from a large white poly tank in the bed of the old truck.  We motored quietly past stands of trees, gravel crunching under the weight of the tires.  The recent rains and stiff winds have stripped most of the trees of their royal autumn raiment.  The bare ash trees stood like regal sentry along the edge of the woods while smaller maples and sassafras still proudly displayed their colors. 

A warm evening...we drove with the windows down...(the crank kind, that I always crank the wrong way...even when I try to remember which way is right). 

I was caught up in the beauty of the autumn evening until .....


the spell was broken.....

I caught a glimpse of myself in the side mirror.  I thought I didn't look too shabby... given my grandmotherly age.  I was reminded of a question that, for me, has remained unanswered for decades.  I don't know what season I am....

Did you ever do the whole "have your colors analyzed" to discover what season you are?  I've been trying to pinpoint mine for almost 30 years since I bought Carole Jackson's  Color Me Beautiful  back in the 80s.  I remember reading in there that I can't be more than one season....but, alas...I don't fit in any one season's profile.  Should I start an island for misfits?  Will I be the only inhabitant?

Also there is a theory that states a person is often drawn to the colors she looks best in....well, I have clothes and makeup in all colors....for every season.  I can't tell which looks best on me.  They all look equally good(bad) on me.   I think I'm a blend between Spring and Autumn but then again, Summer? and Winter?...maybe.  I'm a freak.

So...I just wear what I feel like....my closet looks like a profusion of color...like a new box of Crayola crayons ("crans"... lol)...the box of 64 which meant love.  If you showed up on the first day of school with a 64 box...you were one loved child.   I've gotten off track.... I love color!  My favorite colors shift with the natural seasons  ...right now I'm in love with red, copper, bronze and gold!

So color me happy!

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