Something snapped!
(I don't know could have been anything...a tree branch, a twig, my bra strap...)
For some odd reason, I measure my effectiveness by how many things I accomplish in a given amount of time. To sit and contemplate the constellations is a no-no unless the dishwasher, washer and dryer are all running, antivirus software is scanning, and I'm checking off my unseen to-do list.
I'm driving myself nuts!!
I want to get off of this multi-tasking tilt-a-whirl. So....I'm going to try (emphasis on "try") to do one thing at a time.....I can't!!! Whhhhaaaaaa Even now, I have muffins in the oven so it won't look like I'm slacking at the computer. Sob sob sob.
Now, I remember what snapped.........
I got a hold of this 1205 page tome, copyright 1914. It's a revised edition to the 1908 version written as a guide for the homemaker. I started reading it about mid-way through....the chapters titled: "The Day's Routine", "Wash Day", "Ironing Day", "Sweeping Day".....see a day for each task...."House cleaning"....and the chapters roll on.
Keeping house the way they did back then would be a sure-fire way to cure multi-tasking-ism...which is what I have, by the way..... as a matter of fact, I just started supper....oven-fried chicken...mmmm.
Let me tell you, Cowboy is no help. He is the world's hardest working workaholic. He's a card-carrying, unrepentant, bonafide, you-can-sleep-when-you're-dead, dark to dark workaholic. I think he's the poster-child...I may have made that part up. He sees nothing wrong with my multi-tasking....he's all "you go girl" about it.
I took a quiz once titled "Are You a Workaholic?" The result?
sob sob sob
At the time, I was proud. I was all..."Oh yeah! I can outwork you, you and probably even you....."
I'm so be.....admitting you. <<sniff>>
So what's the point of all this? I don't know. I have a problem...I may be having a problem. I don't want my day so packed that I don't enjoy it. You know, what about: A person can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in their own toil...(from Ecclesiastes)?
Isn't it possible that doing it all means none of it gets done excellently?
Oh no!!!
I so want to get an "A".... and have "excellent" written just below the "A".
Let's hear it for one-task-at-a-time-ing!! I'm going to give it a goes......
I'll keep you posted.
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