Just a girl who could no longer deny the dirt in her veins.

Monday, August 27, 2012

What I Would Do If I Were Rich...(part 1)

Where has the time gone? 

 I'll tell you....it's been eaten alive by life.  I'm sorry I haven't been writing lately...(and that's bad because I don't remember things like I used to....so I may leave out important details and events -->  but not on purpose..not on purpose).

So what have I been up to?  Wait, I'm thinking.....

A Pretty sunrise!!  Which reminds me of something I did recently....read on
We drove back to Patch of Paradise early one morning.   We had an early appointment and a two hour drive....so we started before the dawn.  Driving into the sunrise through vast acres of farmland stirred a strange feeling like I was in some foreign land.  At the horizon, bands of steel blue and charcoal gray clouds hung striped in the tangerine light of dawn.  Ribbons of fog slept suspended above the corn and curled in the valleys.  Farmsteads, silhouetted against the dawn, waited for the activities of the day.  We drove in silence as if a spoken word might break the spell and all of the beauty would then vanish.  Have you ever seen something so wondrous that you could stare mesmerized for hours?  Well, then, you know how I felt!!  But...the spell broke when we hit the morning traffic around Capitol City. 

We were home for just a few hours and then headed back to the Western Edge into the blinding sunset.  Note the lack of description here...  the sun wasn't low enough nor was its light mellow enough to shake loose any poetry from my brain.

Let's see....what else did I do?   Oh yeah!  We went to the livestock auction in a nearby town.  Cowboy went to see what prices the local cattle were bringing...I went to people watch.  People never disappoint....I can be entertained for hours just watching folks, wondering about their lives....I make up stories to fill in any apparent blanks where the answers aren't obvious.  For instance...... an old man in bib overalls sitting with a little girl......it could be a grandpa who wants to buy his granddaughter the first goat of her future huge flock.  The large old guy in the sale ring..... he's just there to help out; not getting paid....just making sure the right animals come in and go out.  The teenagers sitting in a group....what else is there to do on a Saturday afternoon that could be more fun than the sale barn?

I loved watching the many groups of baby goats (kids) come into the ring....and wished that I had a big pile of cash....I'd be the new Ellie Mae Clampett, collector of animals!!! 

Cowboy whispered, "What wouldya do with 'em?" 

Stupid question!!!  Uhhh, love 'em till they die and then bury them in the pet graveyard....duh!  He's lucky we aren't rich.  Where is that genie when you need him?


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