Just a girl who could no longer deny the dirt in her veins.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

My Dawdling Farm Crew

Snow is in the forecast...in the Midwest...in January!  Shouldn't come as a shock, now!  But I'd bet that people are on their way to the store for bread and milk.  I ran to the store to buy food for the hens--not because of the snow, though.  Anyway, it's been such a mild winter so far...I'm actually glad to see some frozen precipitation!

I caught up on a little outdoor work...finally.  I took the tomato cages out of the garden (In January?  I know...don't judge me!)  and put them away...knowing full well that I'm just gonna have to get them out again in May....  

I read Martha Stewart's blog recently where she showed some pictures of her farm readied for winter's fury.  Her orchard and hedges were all smartly wrapped in burlap.  She probably has a wonderful farm crew....  Here's my crew:
My "crew" in the blackberry patch when they should be in the garden
Note that my blackberries are not smartly wrapped in burlap...I'm either lazy or optimistic for a mild winter.  I think....both.

Here's the crew after I ordered them to help carry the cages:
"You want us to carry what?"

"She didn't mean 'us'!"

Not quite insurrection...or sedition....or mutiny....  just plain insubordination.  They use excuses like:  we don't have opposable thumbs...we don't know what you mean...we no speaka no English.

I did all the work myself....actually quite happily.  I believe the Christmas cookie fat is just about gone...hahahahaha...NOT.

The wind is blowing in some winter weather.  I've always loved snow!  I'm hoping that it will snow just enough to make everything beautiful.  No storms ... no wind...just snow.

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