Just a girl who could no longer deny the dirt in her veins.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


It's a frosty morning here!!   Just finished some accounting/bookkeeping work.  I had to stay off of the internet while working...it's too big a distraction if I know I can click on my facebook and gmail tabs.

As a matter of fact, I just did it {2x} while writing the above 2 sentences....I'm hopelessssss.

Today I think I'll be narcissistic ALL DAY....

I've decided it's WRONG to ignore my girlish instincts!!!
so I......

{did my hair}
{perfume & jewelry}

You never know when you might have to jump in the truck and head to town.  I don't want to be known as the new HAG in area:

"Oh, so you're the Cowboys's wife?  --not what we expected!  {cough  cough}"

Dress to Impress!!!  Gotta look like I've got it goin' on!!!

For the rest of the day's agenda:

Make my Christmas goody list:  who's gettin' goodies and what goodies am I makin'.....

Goodies:  homemade candy, cookies, maybe some little tarts and little cakes, uhmmmm homemade breads, muffins......any suggestions?

The Farmer (my dad) and I have always had our own 4 major food groups:  Coke, cookies, candy & ice cream.  But alas.....I want to get my college figure back...so I've abandoned all of these.....whhhaaaaaaa
Did you know that Marilyn Monroe's measurements were 35-22-35?  Can you say "hourglass"?  There's a goal.

Oh yeah.....Then I've gotta keep working on the afghan I'm crocheting....I'll show you a pic when it's done......I've outdone myself ..... I'm not ashamed to admit!!

I've gotta go to the bank later.....good thing I primped!!  I'm ready.....Look Out!

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