Just a girl who could no longer deny the dirt in her veins.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Today's Special: Fish...Eat It & Like It

Today the Ranch Hand brought over some fish he caught for our dinner.  Don't picture fish in a styrofoam tray covered with plastic wrap....they were still on the stringer:  1 catfish and 3 large-mouth bass.  The plan:  He would prepare them and then I would cook 'em up in  a skillet.....mmm mmm.  Out of slight curiosity and following the wee voice in my head, I went outside to watch the process.  You never know,  I might have to rely on some survival skills some day...and filleting fish might be the barrier between life and death...whatever.

I watched, I told the fish we were sorry, and I felt a little like some ancient Indian thanking the "little brother" for giving up his life so we could eat.  I've always enjoyed eating things that were once alive...I don't know why this  whole process is wigging me out.  I get (and agree with):  fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature....you know, from the first chapter of the first book (Genesis)...it's the subduing living creatures that has me ...uh...freaked out.

No matter...Fiddle-dee-dee, I've got dinner to think about and hungry Cowboy and Ranch Hand to feed....can't worry about subduing fish today.   Gotta worry about cooking fish today.  Oiled the skillet, made a cornmeal breading, some homemade fries.  EAT.

The special today at Mom's diner:  Fish..You'll eat it and like it!!

Small print:  4 fish lost their lives in the telling of this tale.

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