Just a girl who could no longer deny the dirt in her veins.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Girl Colors

This week has been packed full of meetings--long-term & short-term goals, herd expansion, pasture expansion, hay sample results.  Thrown into the meeting mix have been scads of repair and maintenance jobs.  Big yawn!  We have run errands every day!!  To the feed store--made me miss my own dear little feed store;  to the farm store to look at hay feeders where Cowboy said I "needed" a Carhartt jacket.  Never one to argue the purchase of an article of clothing and pretending to be sensible, I said, "Only if they have girl colors."

Cowboy found an associate and asked where we would find women's Carhartts and what colors were available.  She pointed to the rear of the store, motioned for us to follow, and said, "We've got a real pretty purple."

PURPLE!!!!!!   I LOVE PURPLE!!!!!  I threw down my purse, ripped off my windbreaker, and tried the beautiful purple thing on.  I swear I heard a multitude of angels singing.  It was meant to be.

A few minutes later I found that associate and told her I was getting the purple.  She smiled and said, "Rock on."  hahaha

We had to go back to that farm store the next day and I was wearing my new purple jacket.  Cowboy said they would think I stole it, so to the delight of Ranch hand I wiped dirt from my boots onto my sleeves to lend it some authenticity.  It worked; no one was the wiser.

We then went to the tractor dealer to get a filter and talk about levers....yawn!  So I in my purple jacket sat on the couch to watch their tv and ...fell asleep.  No, I wasn't lying down...I learned in high school how to sit up and look attentive while "resting my eyes."   Me and my purple jacket.  sigh

It doubles as a nice robe on cool mornings, too.

Oh yeah..Breezy day.  Ranch hand got a knot on the head from a falling walnut.  Awww, come on -- it was funny!!

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