Just a girl who could no longer deny the dirt in her veins.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Roosters and Other Males

Oh the hens are starting to lay eggs. Awww…they grow up so fast. The eggs are small since the girls are young teenager hens. I’m so proud of those girls. Eric, the white rooster, on the other hand is vexing me. He’s starting to get a little too aggressive. He flew at me when I went into the pen. I kinda kicked him…not hard, just enough to get his attention. His behavior is completely unacceptable. I won’t allow such disrespect!! Does he know who feeds him?!!! I don’t think I’m afraid of him; he’s a chicken for cryin’ out loud. We’ll see…if he flies at me all beak and talons, I may just turn and run next time. Why are the males (any species) so scary? Be careful of the bull…don’t get in there with the boar…that stud is wild…look out for that ram…that guy is dangerous…you get the idea. If you ever come up with an answer, please tell me.

I do have another rooster, Lars. He’s a good looking guy; a Swedish Flower chicken. He and Eric are surprisingly cordial to one another. When I first got Lars, I put him in a separate pen from the others where they could only look at each other. After a couple days, I turned him out with the others. Eric was indifferent, but the hens...the hens knew there was a new guy in town. Several hens surrounded Lars to check him out. Their heads jerked as they eye-balled him and sized him up. Lars stretched up his neck and ruffled his feathers. At that the girls, in unison, took a step back. He knocked their socks off!!!! Ohhhhhh, Frrrankieee!!

My farmhand work has slowed some for the time being. I’ve just been keeping the Cowboy alive and happy. In the meantime….I’ve lost 5 pounds…without even trying!!

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