Just a girl who could no longer deny the dirt in her veins.

Friday, May 6, 2011

At the Western Edge of My World

Gotta love a hick town. I'm spending a couple days at the western edge of my world. That may sound strange. It is strange by most people's standards. I don't travel much; as a matter of fact, I don't really want to stray too far from home. It's a lesson I learned from Dorothy on the Wizard of Oz--"If I ever go looking for my heart's desire again, I won't look any further than my own back yard."

Nonetheless, I'm at the western edge of my world near a hick town and I love it. It's so quaint and unpretentious: dirt roads, regular people walking on the sidewalks (or riding a hover-round), pigs and dogs roaming free, goats standing on an old car, a man walking a calf and 2 dogs along the road. It doesn't get much more fun than this.

Tonight the Cowboy decided he wanted pizza for supper. The little grocery store in town makes a pretty good 12 inch pizza for about $11 and all the toppings are free (except extra cheese, but who cares). While I was waiting the 15 minutes for our pizza, I wandered around the store. I saw a handwritten sign at the meat freezer: PORK BRAINS $2.59 16 oz container. I took a picture of it (and when I figure out how to put pictures on here, I'll show you). Back home some folks might go off their feed if pork brains were on the menu. I have actually had pork brains--brains and eggs from a nearby diner. Don't think I liked them very well since I've not had a hankering in lo these many years.

Anyway, I got my pizza, a loaf of bread, a pack of cookies and a Mother's Day card and got in line at the check-out. Since there were many people in front of me buying packs of cigarettes, I had time to investigate my surroundings. To my right, along with packs of gum, air fresheners and lighters were several choices of ---let's just say--- family planning products. Right there...at the check-out. This could have happened(but didn't): Mommy pushing a cart with Junior riding in the child seat, Billy and Daddy are walking alongside. Mommy and the kiddos put the groceries on the belt and get ready to pay. Dad, chuckling slyly, puts a package of "family planning" next to the Cheerios and says, "These are for later, darlin'."

Well, I'm not judging that (well maybe). But what I will judge is the sign taped to the side of the register that read: "Checks can be wrote for $20 over purchase." Seriously!! Wrote? Doesn't the English teacher shop there?

I love it here. I am a country girl - no pretense!! I'll write more about this place later. See y'all.

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