Cows are food, not friends {frown} |
balling gun in my hand for perspective |
balling gun |
How much I've learned this past year!!!
This year's "Farm Hand of the Year Award" goes to ~~~rrrriiiipppp~~~ The Farmer's Daughter!!!!!
Thank you, I'm sooooo honored!
anyway...back to reality.....
We finally got some inch and 4 tenths!!!....early Sunday morning. The wind was blowing so hard that it woke me up....the dust was hitting the house with such force! I was confused in my half-awake state...."Is this the desert? Am I some sort of Bedouin nomad?" The lightning was a constant strobe light. electricity!!! ...... for 18 hours....eighteen....eight more than ten... hours!! Actually, it was fun (for me)....when evening came and the light became mellow and dim, I lit the oil lamp like Ma Ingalls would have...and I worked on the sweater I'm knitting (that's another story)....till REMC came out and ruined, I mean, fixed the problem .. jettisoning me forward to 2012...air conditioning, refrigeration, electric lights.
While out of power, we drove around inspecting fences and looking for storm damage. Well, Cowboy looked. All I did was daydream. I can be forced to be all practical...but only for a while. This farm situated in the River Valley is cut by some very deep ravines. The trails connecting the fields were blazed right along the ravines at the edge of the hay fields (Cowboy will skin you alive if you drive through the hay fields...STAY ON THE TRAIL!) We traveled the trails; Cowboy scanning the fields for downed trees and other I was caught up in sight, sound and smell.....
The wooded ravines are fringed with sprays of these wild sunflowers |
From the dank crevices a musty aroma arises from the basement of history. A few feet farther and the aroma changes to the sweetest floral fragrance...I've yet to find the source....weird! |
The lower west pasture |
The lower west pasture above the creek |
One of my favorite spots is this entrance to the lower west overlooks the alfalfa field where I first drove the tractor.
The trail runs between the alfalfa field and the pasture along the creek. It leads out to the abandoned road. A wonderful concept for someone with a highly productive imagination (me!)
The abandoned road |
The woods' reflection in the still water of the pond |
Doesn't it look like early fall in this picture?
The amazingly beautiful woods |
A lovely view of the upper part of a ravine |
Looking down into a ravine (this is the stream where I panned for gold this spring.....back when there was water!) |
This is what I get to look at every day.... oh, the torture!
Talk about down to earth!!
I've gotta go feed the cattle now....then I've gotta feed the Cowboy....I've got more news to share. I'll catch ya later.
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