Just a girl who could no longer deny the dirt in her veins.

Friday, February 24, 2012

More Confessions

Ok..so after I told you about my procrastination problem, I did something about it.  I actually did.  I abolished some of the piles.  Confession:  some of the catalogs in one pile were from 2008.  I know, right?  I was ruthless!!  I was glad to be throwing them out!  Like when you have a little food left over, your conscience says to put it in a tupperware and then in the fridge...you don't want to throw it out, waster!  Then after weeks at 37 degrees, your yummy leftover gets fuzzy and colorful...and you're glad to throw it out!....with a tinge of guilt, waster!...I can't believe you forgot that was in there! ...  shoulda thrown it out in the first place.  My motto:  waste, want  (you know, the counterpoint of waste not, want not).

So, yeah.  Piles are gone!  There are other areas needing attention....to them I say:  "Take a number.  I'll call out which number I'm serving...and it might even be out of order...I may even serve one number twice...or even skip one completely.  So, take that!"

Do you ever set really high expectations on yourself?  Confession:  I do (on myself, not on you).   My conscience looks like a mean old biddy wielding a pointer in one hand and a whip in the other.  Maybe you've seen her:  grouchy face, mean eyes, hair all pulled back in a tight bun.  She's all the time harping at me to get stuff done.  When I sit down (like right now) to do something fun, she's all, "Did you fold that laundry?  Uhhh, the dishwasher needs to be unloaded.  What are you going to fix for supper?  Did you get those stains out of Cowboy's shirt?  It's his favorite!  You are such a slacker!"

Can you train yourself to get less sleep...like, let's say, 4 - maybe 5 hours?  Confession:  I need 7 GOOD hours - or I become the personification of my grouchy conscience.

Hey, mean conscience, what's wrong with having some fun?  I know, I know....get my work done first! (did you read that with a mocking voice?  It's how I wrote it.)

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