Just a girl who could no longer deny the dirt in her veins.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Chicken Ranch (not the brothel)

Ever have lofty dreams? Here's one of mine: to have a flock of chickens. For years -Y.E.A.R.S- I've begged and pleaded for just a few ...The Cowboy said, "NO." Not thinking he actually meant I couldn't, in April I bought some chicks from a hatchery (27 chicks). Don't turn me over to the bad wife police...I had most of them for sale at the feed store and took home what didn't sell right away. I made a spot for them in the old farrowing barn so he wouldn't feel the pressure to build me a coop (although I have some really cute ideas for one--gingerbread trim, picket fence). Did you hear the explosion when I told him? I think if I had confessed to turning his coon dogs loose, he would have been calmer. I handled his reaction with maturity (pouted, sniffled) and then he said that it was really not that big of a deal...and that in a year when I WAS SICK OF THE CHICKENS (???!!!) things would be back to normal. I have chosen to ignore his prognostication...he may be right, but I think not.

I found a journal entry from years ago where I wrote that I wanted my own laying hens and I would name them after flowers (I know, right?). So here are the names so far: Cinderella, Jooner (named by Angel A), Poppy, Julia, Simone (named by the Princess), 7 Comets, Bobbi, 8 Reds, 3 Girls, Eric (the lone rooster named by Peach)and 2 cornish x rock hens. I named the Comets, Bobbi, Reds, Girls, & Hens (wow, I'm so creative). Now Eric and the cornish/rocks are meat birds to be butchered. I have once again over-estimated my farm abilities - I thought that since my gramma wasn't afraid to whack a chicken's head off, I wouldn't be either...yeah, ok, whatever..Eric and the 2 hens are still alive. Eric actually tried to crow yesterday...awwwwww.

Soooo, Sunday afternoon the Cowboy and I built a pen off of the barn so my darling birds can go outside and play. The Cowboy cut a little doorway for them to go in and out and put a nice metal door over the opening that I can latch to keep mean creatures out. I really need to get a new camera so I can show you pictures (because I had on a cowboy hat that day and I looked great).

1 comment:

  1. We are going to have to come and see them (especially before you do any head chopping!). I bet they are getting SO big!!
